Educational Programs

Churches, schools, scout groups and other kinds of organizations are welcome to visit and tour the center.
We’ve found that visitors enjoy participating in the activities at the center and seeing how we care for and rehabilitate an ever-changing variety of domestic animals, reptiles, and exotic and domestic birds. We provide off site speakers for an educational program that usually includes bringing domestic educational mammals, reptiles and exotic and domestic birds suitable for hands on interactions.
If you are interested in all that the Blair County Animal Educational Center, Inc is doing, call us to reserve a tour or to set up an off-site speaker for your group at 814-742-7439 or email us at
On-site tours are $10 per person and a off-site speaker presentation is $250.
College Internships
We provide internships (3 credits for one semester and 13 credits for a summer) for biology, premed, and environmental science students attending Penn State University, Juniata College, University of Pittsburgh, and St. Francis University.