About Us

Over 30 years ago, to help her heal after the death of her son Glen, animal lover Deborah O’Shell began caring for injured animals. Blair County Animal Educational Center, Inc was founded and created in his memory. Now the center has grown into a widely known and highly respected resource for animals. Upon her retirement we are no longer rehabilitating wild animals. Clay O’Shell founded the new Blair County Animal Educational Center, Inc with his focus on education.

Clay O’Shell, director of BCWR and registered Apiarist, instructing a class of St. Francis University students on bees.
Clay is a Penn State graduate with a dual major in biology and invertebrate animals from Eberly School of Science. His ability to teach animal science and husbandry comes not just from his formal education but his caring for wildlife all of his years growing up and working at the BCWR clinic.
The center’s all volunteer staff consists of professionals who have been trained on site for animal husbandry, in order to save or sanctuary domestic creatures back to health. Retired professors and teachers give the expertise instructing the classes and symposiums offered at BCAEC. Our in house vet, Dr. Phil Aquadro, donates his compassion, professional opinion and time to the clinic when needed. The center is run entirely by volunteer staff.
The Blair County Animal Educational Center, Inc is a charitable non-profit, 501c3, organization. Our funding is only through private donations and we receive no government funding at all.
United States Department Of Agriculture
Our volunteers are encouraged to become Rabies Vector Species (RVS), Capture & Transport and Endangered Species certified if they are not already.